Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Over half way!

Hi All,

Been a while here, Karen and I just passed the half way point. So far so good. Both Karen and Gavin are doing fine. We did have some concern a while back when the quad test came back with an elevated risk for some genetic concerns (not high mind you, just a little higher than the nominal threshold). However, we had an amniocentesis test done and those results were completely normal, and definitely a boy. In the mean time, Karen has tested positive for heterozygous factor five leiden. Not a big concern normally, but with the pregnancy there is an elevated risk of forming blood clots. So now she is on an injectable anti-coagulant.

On a brighter note, we are starting to collect baby furnishings. So far a Radio Flyer Rocking Horse, and baby swing. (The horse was donated by a co-wrokers his children had outgrown it, and the baby swing a target of opportunity at a neighbor's yard sale). Somehow, bringing bright primary colored furniture into the house is making it all more real. We've started a list on other items we need to get, but haven't gotten serious on buying stuff just yet. There's still plenty of time, and we both can be world class procrastinators.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Glad things are going OK, sorry to hear about some of the medical stuff that I don't completely understand (presumably because I've never been personally involved in a pregnancy). Pregnancy can be a scary at times, but it sounds like for now everything is going well, or at least going so that it can be monitored. Prayers are with you there.

    Baby stuff is always fun to buy - I imagine it's a little like walking into Petco and wanting to buy all the cool stuff for my dog - you can just see them playing with it without them even being there!

    Thanks for the updates!
