Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Over half way!

Hi All,

Been a while here, Karen and I just passed the half way point. So far so good. Both Karen and Gavin are doing fine. We did have some concern a while back when the quad test came back with an elevated risk for some genetic concerns (not high mind you, just a little higher than the nominal threshold). However, we had an amniocentesis test done and those results were completely normal, and definitely a boy. In the mean time, Karen has tested positive for heterozygous factor five leiden. Not a big concern normally, but with the pregnancy there is an elevated risk of forming blood clots. So now she is on an injectable anti-coagulant.

On a brighter note, we are starting to collect baby furnishings. So far a Radio Flyer Rocking Horse, and baby swing. (The horse was donated by a co-wrokers his children had outgrown it, and the baby swing a target of opportunity at a neighbor's yard sale). Somehow, bringing bright primary colored furniture into the house is making it all more real. We've started a list on other items we need to get, but haven't gotten serious on buying stuff just yet. There's still plenty of time, and we both can be world class procrastinators.