Thursday, June 23, 2011

Geeky Frivolity

Some folks have expressed *ahem* concern, that our wishlist is too... practical (read 'boring'). For those worried that we may be suppressing our geekish tendencies, fear not! Here's our super-secret, super-cool baby wishlist at

Thanks for looking out for us! The little geekling will thank you too as soon as he can.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

2 Months (Plus or Minus) To Go

So my little iPhone countdown timer says nine weeks to go. Wow. I'm definitely in the third trimester now. Where people used to look at me and do a double take, or perhaps I'd get a look like "I'd better not say anything, she *might* not be pregnant," now they simply ask: "So when's it due?"

We're starting to really get ready now. We've got some of the bookcases out of the nursery, and I've been finding places for stuff, clearing out closets, etc. We also finally have a baby registry up at You could search for Karen Burnham, but it's more fun to search on the last name 'Potterveld' and find out that we're the only Pottervelds with a registry up right now! (There are 19 Burnhams on there.)

Health-wise everything is going well. The latest ultrasound showed everything progressing normally, Gavin's heartbeat has been good and steady, and everything is measuring on track. Gavin probably weighs about three pounds now, and the ultrasound technician said something very scary: "The head's measuring a little big!" (Ouch.) I'm starting to have a little more trouble sleeping through the night, but that's not surprising. I'm still able to exercize on an elliptical machine, and that combined with some light yoga has been helping keep my back pain to reasonable levels. In the heat down here I've been doing my best to stay hydrated, but I'm still having Braxton-Hicks contractions. Luckily they're not painful for me, just a bit uncomfortable when I'm sitting at my desk.

The parenting classes continue to be good and useful for Curtis and me. Last week we toured the hospital and the labor and delivery floor. We saw the birthing rooms and the general layout, plus the nurseries and the post-partum rooms. While we were there we saw two extremes: a little premature baby weighing less than 1 pound being transported in an incubator, and a newborn in the transitional nursery (only about 4 hours old) who weighed in at 9 lbs, 1 oz. Wow! I'm also pre-registered for hospital admission now, so no matter when Gavin decides to arrive (with luck no earlier than August 27th or so), we'll be good to go.